Saturday, August 14, 2010

Spankings That Heal

Have you ever known a child that craves discipline? Most children would never verbally agree with this, but know deep down inside discipline = agape love.

Today, this child read:

Job 5:17-18
"Behold, blessed is the one whom God reproves;
therefore despise not the discipline of the Almighty.
For he wounds, but he binds up;
he shatters, but his hands heal."

The reproof and discipline are so painful.

My heavenly Father knows when I need that dreaded spanking...have I become conformed to the world?

He has wounded me in this past year. He has shattered my calm, simple world around me. There are so many times I cry for the normal to return, but it is gone forever. In its place I find my loving Savior binding my hurts and healing my heart. My soul is eternally changed.

My emotions still range from dread to joy, from chaos to peace. But my emotions don't always speak truth.

True joy, true peace are in Christ alone.

Lord, I don't want to despise you. I want to embrace this time as one that would open my heart and mind to new areas of growth. I want to be more like you.


BARBIE said...

He uses the trials and painful times in our lives to draw us closer to Him. He is the only one who can bring healing. Lifting you up today!

Stacey said...

For different reasons, I feel much the same. I long for a simpler, past time..."back home," and when my parents were still with me. It's so hard, isn't it, to grow and trust God and to move forward. We are definitely in this season right now, and needing correction and reproof from God to keep us from becoming conformed to this world.

Thank you for your prayers, and mine for you will continue.