Wednesday, June 8, 2016

The Longing in Me - Book Review

Many of us (in my age group) remember Sheila Walsh as a contemporary music artist who came on the scene in the '80s. Her story is much more.

This is my second book review of a book written by Sheila Walsh. The Longing in Me is the story of
how her first marriage came to be and how and why it ended. But bigger than that is the story of how Jesus got ahold of her life after so many others tried to destroy it. Sheila was raised in a very dysfunctional home, where many things occurred that many of us could never imagine. As Sheila aged, she reached out for security in many different forms and ended up in an abusive relationship. Through all of this God was drawing her heart and giving her the longing for something bigger.

As she writes this journey down in ink, she brings us through a study of the life of King David. In a beautiful way, she likens so many of the areas in our lives we struggle with to the life of this "Man After God's Own Heart".
God takes us through so many trial in life to teach us to trust in His sovereignty as we see His amazing love poured out on us. We are all pieces of the big story. Everything in our lives that happens both good and bad, is to push our gaze on the One who holds all things together, even when it seems they are falling apart.

Sheila Walsh does a great job in encouraging us in this journey.

As a part of the BookLook Bloggers Network, I received a free copy of this book.

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