Saturday, April 26, 2014

The Last Brief

Many of you have asked me how "Hoss"  is doing...

I'm not sure how much to say or not say so I will be vague and somewhat brief, but so many of you have prayed that I want to thank you for lifting this man-boy up before the Lord.

Last year so much happened to turn our world upside-down. Decisions were made by him, under compulsion, that could have had dire consequences and God showed much mercy. Along the way, he moved back home after being away for almost 4 years. God continues to shower his mercy, although "Hoss" may not see now, I most certainly do. We are a family again. For this I am grateful. We have laughed and cried along the way. We have sought forgiveness and given it. We know we are heading into a new season of parenting.
He is now almost 17 1/2 years old. Getting ready to make decisions that we may have no control over. So as I brought him to the Lord again this morning, I surrendered him again. I know that until God is given control of his life by him, he still will make decisions that, I, as his parent wouldn't make. But there is much I am thankful for.

*After a broken relationship, I home school him. This is something I never would have dreamed I would be doing.

*He is now, also, working full-time with "Mr. Cartwright". After not having him in our home for so long, he and his dad have ample time to talk and he can learn life from his awesome father.

*He is respectful of our wishes in the home. Although, we have learned what to make an issue and what not to. Boy, is this one of the most difficult things amidst others who would maybe do things differently. I have learned to fear God over man...most of the time. We are the ones responsible to answer to God. No one else is.

*He is a hard working young man.

*I love him with all my heart.

The last 5 years have been so full of trials. Down the valley we go, not much seeing the mountain tops, but as I write this I look back on this post, and this post, and this post. And I see the faithfulness of my God.


Lisa notes... said...

It's always amazing to look back at all that can happen in a year. I'm glad things are going in a good direction for Hoss in your family. And to think what all grace God can give in another year! I pray the Lord will richly bless all of you.

(Catching up on blog reading....) It's been almost 4 years since my mom went home too. I still miss her terribly even though I know she's much better off. It does make Easter even more meaningful when we start having more and more people in heaven that we want to see again.

BARBIE said...

Thank you for sharing the update on Hoss. I am continuing to pray that God will finish the work the He started in Hoss. Blessings!