Saturday, December 22, 2012

Full Reliance in the Midst of Bondage

I just finished reading the book of Nehemiah. This is probably my fifth time reading it from start to finish. 

I walked away with an acute awareness of Nehemiah's reliance on the Lord. He fasted and prayed. He cried out to God for the Lord to remember him in the midst of a rebellious people. God heard. Every time he needed wisdom, he went to God to seek for an answer. 

As I read I kept coming across the phrase, "God put it into my heart..." Nehemiah and God had that relationship that I desire every day. Nehemiah knew that the direction he was taking in making decisions and leading was directly from the Lord. We might call this in the New Testament church, being Spirit-led.

Troubles came in all ways. Enemies that hated his rebuilding of the wall. Enemies that hated his God. Enemies that wanted to take his life away. And Nehemiah was a strong leader to went to the Lord his God for help. And God heard. 

Nehemiah wasn't a king. He wasn't a priest. He was a cupbearer to a pagan king. Yet, God used him in such instrumental ways. 

Because he relied on His God.

So take a few days and read through this amazing narrative and see a man who FULLY trusted God; a man who knew the answers did not come from his own wisdom; a man who was driven to his knees when all seemed to be crumbling around him.

Be encouraged. Our God hears. He sees. He knows.

1 comment:

Elizabeth Dianne said...

I am finishing up reading the New Testament through this year so I will start on Nehemiah in January. I have been meaning to read it again for a long time. It always blesses me.

Thanks for the reminder.

Merry Christmas. Love you.