Monday, March 12, 2012

Proverbs - In Simple Form

I just finished reading, Simple Secrets to a Happy Life, by Luci Swindoll. As I read through each small chapter, I couldn't help feeling like I was reading a practical how-to of the book of Proverbs. Each chapter is titled with a five word admonition for life. It's a very easy read, yet at times challenging.

This is my first time reading anything by Miss Swindoll, but I wouldn't hesitate to do it again. She has a witty way to challenge us in our walk both physically and spiritually. It's amazing that she is entering her eight decade of life. Yet, this is what gives her the permission to help us to live better. For Christ. There are beautiful, funny stories of her life that helps depict what she is explaining. These were very enjoyable.

Our life on this earth shouldn't be focused solely on being happy; but to bring Christ glory as we live it out. Miss Swindoll reminds us, though, of so many truths from God's Word that help us to live this life to the fullest. Proverbs, itself, is a book of contrasting the foolish and wise lives. 

Wise living does bring happiness. Remember happiness isn't all about feelings. As Luci reminds us in one of the chapters, "Allow Yourself to be Sad", these times can bring inner happiness.

This is how I want to live to the end.

I received a free copy of this book as part of the Booksneeze Blogging Group.

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