Friday, January 6, 2012

When the Night Comes

Darkness is an amazing thing. The Bible has so much to say contrasting light and darkness. Darkness is so often viewed with evil, sin, and deceit. After all, so many crimes happen in the dead of night, not the light of day.

Jesus is the Light of the World. We are to be reflective of THE light and to shine forth our lights. We are to be cities set on hills that cannot be hidden. We are commanded to not put our lights under a bushel. Our Lord is the lamp to our path and a light to our feet. Light dispels all darkness.

When the night comes and darkness sets in, I sometimes feel as if I can't even control my thoughts. Things that I know are not real, become real. Anxiety is strong. Fear takes a foothold. 

So, I can relate to the Psalmist as he cries unto Jehovah:

"When I remember You upon my bed, and meditate on You in the watches of the night, for You have been my help and in the shadow of Your wings I sing for joy." Psalm 63:6-7

This is my plea as we go through this unknown time with our beloved oldest son. The future is uncertain. We don't know where the finances will come from to keep him in a safe place until he is ready to come home. This is fear. Deep in my gut.

But then, I remember. Peace floods in. Fear tries to creep back and I must push it away. And remember.

So tonight, I will not let my thoughts linger. I will not allow my mind to bring pain to my inner parts. I will remember the faithfulness of God.


Intentional Living Homestead said...

I don't even know how to respond to this are absolutely right. I know even with my African children, darkness is fear for them...they still sleep completely under their covers.

Satan likes to keep us in a state of fear...and we most pray against it all the time.

Great post.

BARBIE said...

I pray that God would keep you in perfect peace. He is not the author of fear. I pray for provision from heaven for you.