Saturday, November 12, 2011

We, Not He and I

Thank you to my friend for sending this my way. I had not yet heard this song. As I listened and read the lyrics, my prayer is that the "we" will include my "Hoss" . It has been a long road, but what I have come to realize is that God's plan is not mine. The road we travel seems so deep at times.

And lonely.

And sad.

And full of bruises and skinned knees.

But our God is so much more concerned with our Spiritual walk than our physical needs. And, boy, does He know how much Mr. Cartwright and I need to continue to be conformed to His image.

Yesterday I heard this quote from Paul Pennington, "Adoption is not about meeting your own needs. It is about being conformed to the image of Christ." I must remember this.

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