Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Story of Commander Deeds (Part II)

"Though he knew his life in danger, Todd refused to leave. 'I beg you to believe on the Lord Jesus', he said. The commander was furious. He went upstairs and came down with his pistol. 'Go, or I will shoot you now,' he threatened. Todd answered, 'I have come to ask you to believe in the Lord Jesus. If you want to shoot me, go ahead. But before you do, let me pray for you.' He knelt before the commander and prayed, 'O God, here is a man who does not know You. Please save him!' He stayed on his knees while the commander towered over him with the gun. 'Have mercy on him, Lord!' he cried out. 'Have mercy on the commander!'"

"Young Todd prayed like this for several minutes before he heard a sigh, then the sound of the pistol being laid aside. Soon the commander knelt down beside him and, after a moment of weeping, prayed, 'O God, have mercy on Commander Deeds.'"

"The commander was saved at that instant, and after praying some more, he rose and took the hand of his young friend, saying, 'I have heard the Gospel all my life, but today I have seen the Gospel for the first time.' On the following Lord's Day, Commander Deeds went to the church to worship. And before he died, he led several dozen people to the Lord."

As Watchman Nee finished this story, he spoke these words.

"Beloved, there are two big days in the life of the believer: the day on which he believes in the Lord - and every day after that when he leads someone to faith in Christ. This is my challenge to you. Witness to at least one person a day. Witness to whomever you meet."

-excerpt taken from Watchman Nee by Bob Laurent, pg 103

This is a challenge to me and you. Let our lights shine, sisters...brightly and loudly...with words and actions.