Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Much Grace Needed

I have been strangely surprised.

When I signed up to read Andy Stanley's book, The Grace of God, I was somewhat leery. It seems like in the day and age we live in, the grace of God is seen as an excuse to sin. So, I delved into this book on guard. And I have been refreshed.

Andy Stanley writes with passion for the believer to see the grace of God in the lives of those who lived many years before us. Those who lived in the pages of Scripture. He starts at the beginning of time with Adam and Eve. He takes us on a journey of the fragile lives of the Old Testament saints.

Noah. Abraham. Isaac. Jacob. Joseph. Not to mention Rahab, King David and Jonah. I finished each chapter with a new sense of understanding God's grace. Not grace that sugar coats sin. Grace that shows discipline as actually a means of amazing grace.

He hits the New Testament with gusto. Matthew. Nicodemus. The other 11 ordinary men. All people who were given much grace amidst there questionable lives.

I need such grace and I am thankful for the insights Andy Stanley has brought out from God's Word. Without covering up the bad news. For it is because of our sin we need abundant grace in the first place.

1 comment:

Stacey said...

I'm inspired by your book review: to read the book, and to get back to my own reviewing. Thank you for that insightful post. I would have had the same trepidations, I think. I don't like to see things sugar-coated. This sounds like a good book.