Thursday, January 14, 2010

In the School of the Savior

Many lessons have been learned here at the Ponderosa as we have attended the School of the Savior. Our Teacher happens to be the best that has ever existed. In fact, He has always existed.

We have learned much about ourselves.
We have hearts full of desires to please self, but our Teacher desires us to deny self, take up our crosses daily and follow him.

We have hearts that even deceive ourselves and many times we think we are denying self, when we really have OUR best interests at heart.

Falling apart during trials, we have learned how little we truly trust our Teacher.

Our hearts and minds struggle to meditate on the Perfect Teacher without the pulls of the world invading.
Our hearts boast of great things. We strive to DO much and in the end we are looking for man's praise.

Our teacher wants to be the One we serve.

We are prone to wander.

We have learned much about the Teacher.
He is patient, Oh, so patient.

He wants us to be in love with Him; having our undevoted attention.

Our teacher loves those around us and wants us to love just like Him.

During trials, our Teacher, who has brought them about, wants us to cling to Him as His beloved.

He hung out with the prostitutes, beggars, people with diseases, and the downhearted. He wants to do to the same. Love those who are lost in their sin.

He loves His children so much He was willing to leave His Father's side and take our sin upon Him and give us His righteousness.

He desires our intimate communion with us and promises He can help us achieve that, IF we REALLY want it.

We have been in this school for many years and yet, there is so much more to learn.

Grant us the wisdom and endurance, Lord, to not drop out, to continue to persevere and learn to love you more than we have.

1 comment:

Robin said...

God never rejects a broken and repentant heart (Ps 51:17). He loves you dearly. Despite the fact that we all turn to our own ways, the depth of His love for each of us is immeasurable!