Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Jesse Tree~Day One

Today we started our Jesse Tree. We begin where all of life began: Genesis 1.

Today there is such hot debate concerning creation, intelligent design, and evolution. The Bible holds the truth. We, believers, that "fight" for the truth need to remind ourselves the fight is more than over how the world began. Just as we use this subject to start our Jesse Tree, we must see the "lies" that are being told as not just coming against the beginnings of the world, but against God and the truth that leads to the manger and the cross.

People don't need to just hear our side of the debate. That won't change their hearts and their need for Jesus to rescue them from their sin. They need to hear about the life changing Gospel of Jesus.

This is a great way to do that. We attended the Tampa Premeire. The Gospel message is very clear.


Heather of Swallowing A Moose said...

Hey mama! I left you a note over on 8/29 Post! Go claim it!

Kelly Sauer said...

Such a refreshing perspective... We get so caught up in the arguments that we miss His heart for us. Thanks for this!

(Visiting from Holy Experience.)