Monday, November 9, 2009

Recipe for Memories

These are actually original artwork from my childhood. I still have the coloring book.
This recipe is one that my mom made every year at Christmas time....and my favorite. Isn't it amazing the memories that come flooding in when you hear a song, or smell a favorite recipe. It isn't so much the actual food, than it is the love behind the food. For me, I can hear the Christmas music and smell the candles that accompanied this time of year in my childhood. This would be tradition, right?

Entering this time of year, I think we all, albeit, subconsciously, crave those memories. They give us a sense of belonging and feeling of love. I am blessed. There were so many nights of coloring Christmas coloring books while listening to Christmas music. I still have one of my original coloring books from 1978...and I know that my sister still makes this part of her festivities with her boys.

There also comes pain for many that don't have such good family memories. Passing by us every day as we enter this season, are people who are in pain. Let's take off the rose colored glasses that seem to cloud our eternal vision and think of those hurting around us. Whether it is a note in the mail, a meal to a shut in, or serving soup at a homeless shelter, find a place that you and your family can serve this advent season.

Our family is missing one member this year (see Aug 29th post) and this will be a very difficult year as we celebrate, but I know the cure for this is to serve others. Most of all, I want my children to know this, too. After all, the reason we celebrate Thanksgiving and the Advent is a life changing reason.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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