Saturday, September 26, 2009

The Place of Crushing

The Garden of Gethsemane. The literal translation is "olive press". For we believers, we know the beauty and agony behind this majestic place. Friend, He was crushed by the weight of the worlds' sin; He was crushed until the precious blood was shed that would be the stripes we would be spiritually healed by; He was crushed by His Father in Heaven for us who are so undeserving.

Are we willing to be crushed to be more like our Savior?
Are we willing to be crushed because it is only in those times we truly depend on the Holy One?
When the crushing seems unbearable will we fall asleep as the disciples did at the time Jesus asked them to pray or will we be steadfast in the hope we have in Him?
When the crushing seems unlovable, do we trust in our Sovereign Creator?

Lord, I know it is good to be crushed; for Your Testimonies will be better than life. Help me to cling to you when all else seems hopeless, but even when all else seems fine. Thank you for being willing to be crushed for me, even though it was beyond painful. Thank you for being obedient to the Father in the Garden and submitting to His will, not your own. Let this attitude be mine as well.

For more on this subject, please pick up and read, The Cup and the Glory,by Greg Harris.

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