Waiting is not an easy thing. We live in a culture where everything is packaged, marketed and sold with convenience as the priority. As I was praying this morning, my mind went to the parable that Jesus told in Scripture of the persistent friend. I think praying and waiting for an answer is one of the hardest "waits" out there. And what a consolation to know that my Heavenly Father doesn't grow weary of hearing the same petitions. Lately, I have felt like that persistent friend. Knocking...knocking...knocking...but, Oh, what joy, that my God wants me to keep asking. He is not the sort that hears the knocking over and over again and acts out impatiently. He is actually glorified and acts in anticipation over my requests. As I write this, my sweet little 3 1/2 year old stands outside our front door hitting the door bell over and over again. And what is my response? Usually, a sigh or grunt of some kind. The next time she gets her joy from this "nonsense", may it stir my heart to open the door in kindness.
Thank you Lord for your patience and perfect timing in answering my requests. Please help me to not give up and give me perseverence to continue the knocking.
P.S. Unbelievably, as I was finishing this post, the mail came. In the mail, my parents sent me a CD by John Waller called, While I'm waiting. In the card attached, they wrote, "Keep waiting, keep serving...." This is just incredible.... Here is the title song.
I love you Dad and Mom.
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