Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Book Review - The Printer and the Preacher

I love history! I love reading about history! I love learning about history!

So my most recent book to review was chosen mostly because of this fact. The Printer and the Preacher, written by Randy Petersen, is a beautifully woven work of the physical, spiritual and emotional lives of George Whitefield and Benjamin Franklin, two men of whom I have longed to know more. I have always loved studying the historical period of the colonial times. My husband and I just finished visiting Savannah, Georgia, where there was quite a lot history concerning Whitefield.  Mr. Petersen does an amazing job of relaying in much detail the childhood and conversion experience of Whitefield and the formative years of Franklin. This information greatly helps you understand the men they were, and why they stood for what they did.  As Mr. Petersen discusses the history of each of these men's lives, he incorporates much of the English culture from social dimensions to dramatizations to moral aspects. It was extremely informative.

I've read many historical books that lulled me to sleep. This was not one of those. It engaged me in a very thought provoking way.

Reading this book helped me immensely to examine my own relationships with those unsaved people around me and how I can develop a personal friendship despite the fact they don't embrace the Gospel. They may one day.

Reading this beautiful story also helped me to better understand the times of England and America during those first formative years. When you understand the culture, it puts peoples' lives into perspective, and we gain a better grasp on how they achieved what they did.

P.S. As part of the blogging network at Booksneeze, I received a free copy of this book.

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