Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Book Review - Rudy

Forever I have know this story by the movie, Rudy. But I love reading the facts even more than viewing the big picture. I think one of my favorite parts of reading a book about someone I have heard lots about is getting to know their history...from childhood up.

Rudy, written by Daniel Ruettiger himself, is an inspirational story of perseverance and determination. He was one of fourteen children in a home with strong family values and ethics. His life wasn't a fairy tale, but one of good family structure and discipline. There were low points and high points. Mr. Ruettiger wrote in a very no-nonsense way describing both the negative and positive influences in his life.

He set his mind to do something, and he didn't stop until he had attained that. This is a lesson for anyone who reads this book.

The only disappointment I had in the book was the shallowness of true faith. "Good works" don't get you to heaven. Only faith in the works of Jesus Christ. The difficulty being that unless there is true salvation all these wonderful things don't matter.

This is a positive story with a great moral message.

I received a free copy of this book as part of the Booksneeze blogging network.

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