Monday, September 24, 2012

God's Working - A Big Life

A Big Life. This is my newest read on the night table, except for the fact that it has been absent from this very table.  It is one of those books you can’t put down.

As a believer is Christ, one of the things that encourages me more than anything else is hearing how God is working in other people’s lives, especially those around the world.

A Big Life, written by Peter Hone, is an excellent journaling of the lives of two individuals starting at pre-conversion to the amazing growth that the Lord does in their spiritual family. John and Kathy Heerema are two people who have truly made a difference for Christ in this world. Not only have they given their lives in service to Christ, but it is in the places of persecution that this has happened.

As I read this book, the words “Sovereignty of God” kept coming to my mind. God truly had His hand on them for a specific purpose and calling. And they heeded that call. They trusted God in ways most of us don’t understand in this Western World. Not only did they put all their earthly dreams and goals behind them, but they were willing to embrace the impossible.

At the same time, God was preparing the hearts of nationals in India and Pakistan for a providential meeting that would help to orchestrate this mission.  God used “everyday” individuals who were willing to love Him by serving in whatever capacity He wanted them to. They were willing to live by faith and not by sight. They had a deep-seated passion for seeing people come to know the Savior and be free of the chains of sin and satan.

Willing vessels. That’s what God desires in all of us. That’s what Big Life is about.

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