Saturday, September 8, 2012

A Memoir

I grabbed the book intent on reading it a little at a time. I finished it in two days, reading at night before bed. As I read Cruel Harvest written by Fran Elizabeth Grubb, I felt extremely blessed and ungrateful for my upbringing, and yet, so sad for this family whom I was reading about. 

Mrs. Grubb lived with an evil man whom does not deserve the title of Father. Anything wicked that comes to mind was done to her and her family. She lived with her parents and siblings whom eventually were all separated.

I applaud the author for telling her story in such a way that was true, accurate, compelling, yet tactfully emotional.

The amazing part of this story is the last 10 pages. God is evidently working in this family even through the sin done against these precious children who are now adults. God's forgiveness is so evident and such a testimony to the grace of God and how a life can be changed by His presence and Spirit.

I received a free copy of this book as part of the Booksneeze Blogging Network.

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