Thursday, December 8, 2011

Miscellaneous Advent Items

Our special friend, Patty, came over this week. She was one of my Mom's closest friends. It is such a blessing to have her in my children's lives. In fact, she may become Grandma Patty soon. So, she walks in the door this last Tuesday and has these in her hand. A special memory invaded my mind.

Baking with mom.

One thing I miss so much this time of year. I can still hear mom's beautiful voice singing her Christmas songs. Especially Bing Crosby.

And, yes, they have already disappeared.

Thank you, dear friend.

"Little Joe" is spending the day with a friend so today the girls and I baked our first round of cookies. We made Eskimo snowballs, healthy buckaroos, and oatmeal butterscotch bars. They all look delicious. And I must say they did a fantastic job. There were many teachable moments as well.  Much said about loving our neighbor as ourselves and preferring each other in love.

Now, one of our favorite movies, Holiday Inn, is playing and our crosstitch is out and our hands are busy.

Just love these times when formal school can take a backseat and life can happen.


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you all liked the cookies Sarah. They are my "Wendy" cookies. I miss that sweet smiley friend of mine and I am SO thankful for her family to be in my life. I SO love her grandkids and want to come over for a "play day" with you all next time. Grandmas just got to play you know. Love you dear. Patty

Kendall Yates said...
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Anonymous said...

My sweet this post. And yes, miss our Mom very much especially this time of year. I can still hear her playing the Christmas songs on the piano like "Marshmellow World". I'm so glad Patty can spend time with you guys. Looking forward to our time together. Love you. Jen