Monday, November 28, 2011

A Special Adoption Day

Our dear "Marie",

Today we celebrate your 11th adoption day. We can't forget the day we met you at Micky D'S. Your sweet little face was expressionless; almost as if you were depressed. Your little life had already experienced way more than it should have. Within weeks there was a light in your eyes that hadn't been there before.

Your grew in leaps and bounds, but in the past ten years you have grown in an area that is the most important. Your walk with God.

God has does a gracious work in your heart. You have such a close relationship with Him and I stand in awe at what He is doing. Though God created you with all sorts of struggles and delays in what the world would deem as needful, you have proven to us that God can do abundantly above all that we ask or think. 

Our prayer to you, dear daughter, is that your relationship with your Savior will continue to be the most important thing in your life. That you would strive to love Him and continue to have a soft heart for the things of the Lord. Keep seeking Him. Keep asking for His will to be done. Keep living for Him.

"Marie", you sure do amaze us. We love you and are so grateful to the gift that God gave us so long ago.

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