Monday, June 14, 2010

Little Ones Learn

My littlest one observes, learns and mimics.

As I find her "reading" her book that I just read to her out loud, she sees the hippopotamus making the cookies. But Sophie, the hippo, is not just making any ordinary cookies; these are cookies with wheat. She informs me that this is just what the words say.

Have I told her this? No.

Have I lived this? Yes!

Our children see everything we do. Our walk speaks so much louder than our words. Everything we do we need to view through this lens.

Does my little one see me doing my best for Jesus?

Does she see me doing the things that matter?
Does she hear me gossiping, slandering, and cutting people down?
Does she hear me forgiving and overcoming evil with good?
Does she see me loving my husband by selflessly giving of my time even when I don't feel like it?
Does she see me trusting my Savior even when I am scared of the unknown?
Does she see me loving the unlovable?
Does she see me being patient and kind?

What do your little ones see in you today? May our Ultimate Example help us to shine forth His light especially in our own homes.

1 comment:

BARBIE said...

Such a good reminder. I have 4 pairs of eyes that are always watching, even though I don't think they see when I mess up, the really do. I want to lead by Christ's example.