Saturday, September 19, 2009

What the Meek Do and Are

Kay Arthur elaborates on what a meek spirit looks like in this way:

Looking at Psalm 37, this is what the meek do and are:

1. They trust God. v.3,5 They trust Him instead of being fretful.

2. They do good. v.3, 27 They do not pay back evil for evil.

3. They dwell. v.3 Lots of people react by leaving their situation either physically or emotionally.

4. They delight in the Lord. v.4 Their focus is on the Lord, not themselves.

5. They commit their way to the Lord. v.5 They trust that He's in charge.

6. They rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him. v.7,9,and 34 They are will to allow the Lord to bring to pass what He wants to bring to pass in His perfect timing.

7. They take refuge in Him. v.40

8. While the meek wait patiently, they cease from anger and forsake wrath. v.8

9. Finally, the meek look to the future, with eternity stamped upon their eyes.
v.9,11, and 34

-As Silver Refined, by Kay Arthur, chapter five

Let me encourage you to read this Psalm and meditate on how Christ desires for us to respond while in the crucible. It sure is hot, but we have assurance we won't be singed.

1 comment: said...

your kids are lovely!!!

nice blog :-)