"So often it will happen that God not only helps His people through the miry places of the way but also brings them safely far on the journey. When Jesus Christ came walking upon the stormy sea and the disciples received Him into the ship, not only was the sea calm, but it is recorded: 'Immediately the ship was at the land whither they went' (John 6:21). That was a mercy over and above what they asked. I sometimes hear believers pray and make use of a quotation that is not in the Bible: 'He is able to do exceeding abundantly above what we can ask or even think.' I do not know what we can ask or what we can think. But it is said, 'Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think' (Eph. 3:20). When we are in great trial, let us say, 'Now I am in prison. Like Jeremiah, I will pray as he did, for I have God's command to do it; and I will look out as he did, expecting that He will show me reserved mercies that I know nothing of at present.' God will not merely bring His people through the battle, but He will bring them forth with banners waving, dividing the spoil with the mighty and claiming their portion with the strong. Expect great things of a God who gives such great promises as these."
by Charles Spurgeon, The Power of Prayer in a Believer's Life
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