Friday, May 29, 2009

God Understands

There are times in every believer's life that we have no words to express to our Lord the grief in our hearts. Whether it be grief over death, sin, wayward children, sickness, marital problems, etc., our Lord is there to hear and understand. And, what a gift, that we don't even have to utter a word...He just knows. I often think how people without Christ cope. I guess the answer is, they don't.

Lately, in my own life, I haven't had too many words to offer our Lord, other than, "Help!" Frequently, this is said in between tears. But, Oh, how our Lord understands and knows whatever pain I am feeling.

I am overwhelmed by these thoughts:
Christ died to set me, the sinner, free from sin.

He is my High Priest and give me access to my Heavenly Father.

He NEVER fails me; I fail Him often!

The Light of the World is with me and will never leave me, even when going through the valleys.

He stands ready to forgive, time and time again.

Thank you Jesus, for you everlasting lovingkindness!

1 comment:

sarahdodson said...

Amen! What a faithful and good God we serve.