Saturday, August 13, 2016

Knowing God's Will is (sometimes) Easy

This last week was a game changer for us here on the Ponderosa. After 14 years of home schooling, my littlest went off to school. Grade 5.

For those of you who are fellow home-schoolers you may know the range of emotions I have felt. But, thankfully, the overarching emotion was peace. Now, if you would have asked me last year if this was an option, I would have been totally freaked out. This year not the case. That's how I know we are following the Lord's leading. Public school is not an option so God made a huge way for her to attend a local Christian School. A full scholarship. Not just for tuition, but for all outside activities, books, sports and misc. fees. I am overwhelmed by God's grace in this. Not only this but the school does its best to teach and understand children who do not fit into that nice little box we call compliance. We are so blessed!

Unfortunately, I have had those who feel like home schooling is a Biblical mandate, snub me and look down on our decision, (years ago that might have been me, but through trials He changes us.) but thankfully the majority have been supportive.

And the truth is, unless you have lived in my shoes, you have no idea the day to day struggles with a child who loves you, yet pushes so hard against you to try to prove you don't love her.

And now, because of this decision, I have a young lady who chats all the way home with me about her day. I know her friends' names. I know who the class clown is. I know about her music and art class. I know the funny things that happened on the playground. All this coming from a little one who struggles to talk and communicate. She has blossomed already in this first year of school.

Just thinking today on God's gracious faithfulness and provisions!

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