Sunday, May 8, 2011


is truly a gift. And as I have aged, I have come to realize it doesn't just apply to blood relation or even adoption. I know a few older women who I have come to love as a mother prototype.

With all this said, I miss my mom. Time has healed some, but the longing to pick up the phone and talk to her is just as strong. She was a rock for our family. She gave of herself and loved her children and grandchildren to the fullest.

So, today on Mother's Day I remember her.

I also remember him.

And miss him, too.

Therefore my thoughts go heavenward, knowing that my Jesus holds all things in His hands. My precious Mom is with Jesus and my treasure may think he is far away from his Maker, but I am confident my Sovereign Lord is working...even in the pain and hurt and wrong choices.

I am honored to be a Mother. This was my heart's desire from the time I was a little girl. I didn't know how this would come to pass, but Oh, I am thankful for the gifts that have been entrusted to me.

Happy Mother's Day to all of you!


sarahdodson said...

Happy Mother's Day to you! Sorry for you missing your mom today :( I'm thankful that in some ways it does get better/easier. I'm also thankful for adoptive mommies like yourself who unselfishly love and give their heart and affections. You are a beautiful lady! And you have some beautiful children!

Sally-Girl! said...

Happy Mother's Day to you! I am thankful that you had such a good mommy to show you how to mommy!!