Friday, February 25, 2011

Lessons Learned...#1

As I am reaching the end of Hinds' Feet in High Places, I am so full of emotion.

"Much-Afraid" has reached the heights and has been given a new name. "Grace and Glory" is conversing with the Good Shepherd and He asks her what she has learned. As I read her response, I double over in tears, anguish, and yearning to want to be there. I still feel like I am in the desert most days. Or if I find that I have one foot on the slope headed to the High Places, then I slip, tumble and fall.

Here are "Grace and Glory's" words that I long to speak forth too.

"First, I learned that I must accept with joy all that you allowed to happen to me on the way and everything to which the path led me! That I was never to try to evade it but to accept it and lay down my own will on the altar and say, 'Behold me, I am thy little handmaiden, Acceptance with Joy.'"

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