Sunday, October 31, 2010

He is Everything!

The King of Kings who rules this earth rules my heart and mind.

Despite the heartache I feel at times, there is One who is my Prince of Peace.

The darkness invades the world around us, but the Light of the World dispels all.

When I am in need of Someone to comfort me, I can find assurance in my Wonderful Counselor.

Without my Redeemer, I would have no hope in this life or the one to come.

The incarnation brought us the gift of Emmanuel, God with us. This is when true life entered the world.

My Savior was born, died and rose again three days later to redeem me and adopt me into His family.

The Anointed One sits down at the right hand of my Abba Father and makes intercession for me.

There is no other name like Jesus. Those who believe in Him, He will in no wise cast out. Those who love Him, fear Him and keep His commandments.